Monthly Archives: July 2011

And now… The moment you’ve all been waiting for!

Well, actually, no, I didn’t get it ALL done…  yet…  However, I have much greater hopes of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel now, after watching this video on YouTube: This is Mark from CarbRescue doing the … Continue reading

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Prepare to be amazed…. VERY amazed!

Well, Mark from CarbRescue finished with my carb this weekend, and sent me some pictures later this afternoon… I think it was well worth waiting for! I am just speechless at how nice this puppy looks! Of course, now I … Continue reading

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Here’s my place in Vegas

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The Titanic Carburetor, So Far…

For those of you just tuning in, you might not be familiar with this: The Carburetor Raised From the Titanic (aka, the Walbro from my grandfather’s ’67 JD 112)… Well, here’s some update pics from Mark at CarbRescue… and I must … Continue reading

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The Carb has LEFT the building!

Well, while I sit here in Vegas not able to work on tractors and too hot and sweaty and tired to go anywhere, I thought I might as well check on the progress of the carb… And to my surprise, … Continue reading

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Ahh…. Venice!

So, thought I’d take a brief holiday from tractors and jetset off to historic Venice! Here’s some pics for your viewing pleasure! Well, ACTUALLY, I’m in Vegas, at a conference, staying at the Venetian Hotel… So called because of the … Continue reading

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Another bunch of pictures – The New Parts!

Spending a week away from tractors… Off to a conference in Vegas on Sunday… So I figure I better post a few more pics before I go… Here’s the NEW PARTS! The official Gasket Kit of the 1967 HH100! A … Continue reading

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Got a LITTLE bit of work done on Wednesday night…

Got a little bit of work done last night Popped out the old oil seals: Got the wrist pin out (using a socket and socket extension and a teeny tiny hammer) Here’s the top of the connecting rod: Got the … Continue reading

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Guess what came in today!?!

Here’s a quick hint! Now I gotta get back to work… 🙁

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I feel like I’m betraying…

Littletractor… I went out today and spent 4 hours mowing on THIS: THIS has a fair bit more oomph and speed than Littletractor: And it did THIS: On a rainy day, no less… On the upside, nimble nimble nimble! And … Continue reading

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