Category Archives: Littletractor

Littletractor, my JD 160, the tractor that started it all

Happy happy LittleTractors!

Just had to share! The LittleTractor snow-fighting team is officially 2/3rds functional! Got Wally for pushing snow, and I FINALLY got Littletractor’s blower to work again! I changed the blower belt early in the fall, but didn’t actually DO a … Continue reading

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Got a fair bit of work done over the weekend!

Well, got a fair bit done this past weekend… Here Wally ALMOST dressed for snow! I DID take the time to put the PTO clutch on, just for the heck of it… I was cleaning up and found it and … Continue reading

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Total Terminal Tractor Teardown!

Well, TODAY I engaged in a little something I like to call…. Total Terminal Tractor TEARDOWN!!! So, as some of you may know, a couple weeks back I picked up a JD 160 for parts… Specifically the transaxle… So today was the DAY! … Continue reading

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I’m fine, its the tractor that needs help!

Haven’t posted in a long time, as this has NOT been a good winter for working on tractors.  Too cold and too much snow.  I HAVE been using LittleTractor for snow removal, but that’s only interesting for the first couple … Continue reading

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Getting some winter rims/tires ready

So, last spring, LTGal suggested I look at getting a set of winter tires/rims for LittleTractor… Ones that I could fill with fluid (for extra weight/traction) and leave the chains on year round…  So, I tried buying two new rims … Continue reading

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I feel like I’m betraying…

Littletractor… I went out today and spent 4 hours mowing on THIS: THIS has a fair bit more oomph and speed than Littletractor: And it did THIS: On a rainy day, no less… On the upside, nimble nimble nimble! And … Continue reading

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What Littletractor and I did today….

Here’s what Littletractor and  I did today! Some of the things I met along the way…. These guys were taller last year… SOMEBODY thought it would be helpful to trim them down to 4 inches from 2 feet…. Wow they … Continue reading

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