Well, I got a couple of hours out messing about in the garage today…
Here’s my new engine stand
It took a bit of extra trimming to get it to the exact height where it would fit under the front mounts like that, but its worth it since it means less distance to have to lift that heavy engine…
And here’s the engine, off of Bror
Having it on the stand has given me the ability to spin it around and clean it more thoroughly, its also given me the opportunity to clean the crudded up engine compartment…
So, much of my time is still spent trying to clean the grease off everything. Although I did pop open the compartment containing the points,
and pulled them out for inspection…. So, can anyone tell me if these look okay or not?
So, once again, its time for the audience participation section of the show…. So far, all I’ve been doing is pulling stuff off and cleaning stuff up… NOW I think I’m to a point where I could start REALLY digging into the engine… But I’m not sure exactly how I should be proceeding? Any suggestions for what’s next? Flywheel off? What should I be doing to get into the crankcase to inspect? Advice?
(tonight, I’ll be poring over the service manual!)